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In May 2012 we welcomed in our dogs group new two months old puppy from kennel Neraka, Mrs. Hudcova. Karmenka fastly got her place in our dogs band and really welcomed all puppies plays where she was the fastest and perfectly fited into puppies by her heigh. Coletka took her as her own puppy and she started to learned her all important things and bad one of course. And after our puppies went away, Coltka adopted our small princess totally. Karmenka is really clever, smart and learn all things fastly. We are taking her together with "uncle" Alex to the dog shows where she is really tallented. We all cross up our fingers she would continue successfully in shows








Born.: 26.2.2012/CMKU/P/17238/12

Father: San-Jo-Le´s Esperanto

Mother: Hestia Brown Neraka

Breeder: Katerina Hudcova

PRA 0/0

Patella 0/0

Height 38 cm


Titles :  


           Czech vetan champion

            Czech Grand Champion

            Hungarian veteran Champion

             Hungarian Champion

             Czech Champion

             Champion of Poland

             Slovakian Champion

             Junior Champion of Czech Republic

            KCHP veterán champion

             KCHP Junior Champion

             KCHP Champion of Champions

             KCHP Champion

             KCHP Puppy Champion

 BISS , 3x BISS IV , BOV, 5x BOB8x BOS  , BEST of PUPPY 2 , 6x CACIB , 15x CAC , 3x CWC , 3x CAJC

 Shows Results :


24.9.2022 Wroclaw IDS Exc.1,Veteran Wiener,BOV Beata Petkevica -LT
18.9.2022 Klatovy IDS Exc.1,BOV,BOS Antoín Mudra
2.9.2022 Bratislava IDS Exc.1, BOV Ondrej Dudas SK
17.7.2022 Hungarian veteran champion      
17.7.2022 Sárvár IDS Exc 1,CAC,BOV Nicola Smolic HR
16.7.2022 Sárvár IDS Exc 1,CAC,BOV Jasna Matejcic HR
15.7.2022 Sárvár IDS Exc 1 CAC, BOV Otto Krcal A
29.8.2021 Czech veterán champion       
29.8.2021 M.Boleslav IDS Exc 1, BOV G.Ridarčíková-SK
28.8.2021 Veterán champion KCHP      
28.8.2021 Uhříněves OKV KCHP Exc 1,ČVŠ V.Rybárová
12.6.2021 Rokycany Regional exp Exc 1,Reg.winner Ing.Klírová
23.5.2021 M.Boleslav OKV KCHP Exc 1,ČVŠ R.Kubeš
15.8.20020 Beroun OKV KCHP ČVŠ,VSV,BOV R.Kubeš
1.8.2020 Vysočany OKV KCHP EXC1,ČVŠ,Best veteran J.Kadlec
19.6.2016 Kladno OKV KCHP EXC1,ČČŠ L.Barker -UK 
11.6.2016 Plzeň OKV KCHP EXC1,ČČŠ,BISS IV Z.Brotánková
14.2.2016 Čestný šampion KCHP      
10.05.2015 Slovakian Champion      
10.05.2015 Lučenec IDS Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB M. Guniš (SK)
9.05.2015 Lučenec NDS Excellent 1, CAC, BOS P. Danková (SK)
18.04.2015 Hořenec KCHP Specialty Excellent 1, ČŠŠ, Best honor class female, BISS#4 K.Smulczynski (DE)
17.04.2015 KCHP Champion of champions      
28.02.2015 Libice KCHP Specialty Excellent 1, ČŠŠ, Best brown female of show Alena Košťálová (CZ)
30.11.2014 Praha KCHP Specialty Excellent 1, CAC, Best brown female, 2nd Best female of show Iuza Beradze (CZ)
2.11.2014 Praha IDS Excellent 1, CAC Tamara Sarmont (BLR)
24.10.2014 Prostejov KCHP&KPaCHP specialty Excellent 1, CSS, Best Honor Class Female Javier Blanco (ES)
2.10.2014 Hungarian Champion      
21.09.2014 Miskolc NDS Excellent 1, CAC, BOB Rade Vesic (SRB)
20.09.2014 Miskolc NDS Excellent 1, CAC, BOB Radvánszky Katalin (HU)
14.09.2014 Lucenec IDS Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS M. Gunis (SK)
13.09.2014 Lucenec NDS Excellent 1, CAC, BOS Levente Miklós (HU)
30.08.2014 Podebrady Memorial KCHP Ecellent 1, CSS, CAC Lene Kildeborg Jakobsen (DK )
29.08. 2014 Champion of Poland      
28.06.2014 Plzen OKV KCHP Excellent 1, CCS, Best female of honor class L. Farkasovsky (CZ)
25.06.2014 Czech Champion      
22.06.2014 Brno IDS Excellent 1, CAC A.Zhuk (BY)
25.05.2014 Swiebodzice NDS Excellent 1, CWC, National Winner, BOS R. First (PL)
24.05.2014 Kojice OKV KCHP Excellent 1, CSS, Best brown female M. Gunis (SK)
19.04.2014 Brezno OKV KCHP Excellent 1, CSS, Best brown female R. Kubes (CZ)
17.03.2014 KCHP Champion      
16.02.2014 Libice OKV KCHP Excellent 1, CKS, Best brown female, Best female of the show, BEST IN SHOW SPECIALTY - BISS N. Klirova (CZ)



IDS Excellent 1, CAC M. Gunis (SK)
06.10.2013 České Budějovice OKV KCHP Excellent 1, CKS, BOS, Best Brown female of show, 2nd Best female of show Iuza Beradze (CZ)
29.09.2013 Wroclaw, Poland IDS Excellent 1, CWC, CACIB, BOS El. Junikiewicz (PL)
08.09. 2013 Hodmezővásárhely - Hungary IDS Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Tibor Bosnjak (SRB)
07.09. 2013 Hodmezővásárhely - Hungary IDS Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Sanja-Momcilovic Bognic (SRB)
26.8. 2013 Podebrady OKV KCHP Excellent 1, CAC, CKS, Best brown female Petroula Richard (FR)
21.7.2013 Mladá Boleslav IDS Excellent 1,CAC,CACIB Iuza Beradze
30.06. 2013 Brno IDS Excellent 1, CAC, Res.CACIB Edita Kralova (SK)
29.06. 2013 Brno OKV KCHP Excellent , CKS, BOS, Best brown female Tatana Novotna (CZ)
23.06. 2013 Jeleni Gora, Poland National Excellent1, CWC, BOS Petr Rehanek (CZ)
25.4. 2013 Kojice OV KCHP V1, CMS, Best Junior Brown Female, BOS Carmen Fischer (D)
26.04. 2013 KCHP Junior Champion      
20.4.2013  Březno OV KCHP V1,CMS, Best Junior brown female, Best Junior Female of show, BISS#4 Georg Walther(D
17.2. 2013 Libice OV-KCHP V1, CMS, Best junior brown female L. Farkasovky (CZ)
3.2.2013 Junior Champion of Czech Republic      
3.2.2013 Brno MVP V1,CAJC D.Paunovic (SRB)
2.2.2013 Brno MVP V1,CAJC A.Gibson David(E)
 6.1.2013  Brno  NV  V1,CAJC  L.Volarikova(SK)
 5.1.2013  Tuřany  OV-KCHP  V1,ČMŠ,Best junior brown female  B.Matlawska(PL)
 22.10.2012  KCHP Puppy Champion      
 24.11.2012  Praha  KV-KCHP  VN1,ČDŠ  L.Farkasovsky(CZ)
 14.10.2012 Č.Budějovice  MVP  VN1  D.Kuzelj (CY)
 13.10.2012  Č.Budějovice  OV-KCHP  VN1,ČDŠ  H.Ahrens( A)
 1.9.2012  Rybníky  County dog show  VN1,Best 2 of Puppy class  L.Ubrova (CZ)
 11.8.2012  Kladno  SV-Pudl klub  VN1  S.Wachter ( D)
 14.7.2012  Kojice  KV-KCHP  VN1  Ute Eberhard (D)
 1.7.2012  Klatovy  NV  VN1  O.Dolejsova (CZ)